Thursday, February 11, 2010


Jamar 'J-MoneyBag$' Gray, Founder and CEO of TSM, brought together what is known as the Tri State Movement also know as TSM Records in 2007.
Tri-State Movement Records is all about making great music that comes from the soul. Tri-State Movement Records began in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut Tri-State Area. Shortly after beginning TSM Records the founders moved on to the next part of their lives by attending school at West Virginia University. It was at the University that they added "Movement" to the name after realizing they were in another Tri-State area. The movement started with artists from the NY/NJ/Conn. area and has now expanded to include artists from West Virginia, Pittsburgh, PA and Baltimore, Maryland. TSM Records

Model Q's "2 cents": TSM is truly a musical movement. Their sound is unique and these young TALENTED musicians are gonna go FAR!!! Look out world!!! TSM is COMING!!!!

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