Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hello Everyone,
Ok, so anyone that reeeeeally knows me, knows I've been trying to get the attention of the scouts and representatives at T.H.E Artist Agency since I started modeling 3 years ago. I'm talking, submitting pictures every 6 months, constantly shooting with photographers to try and improve my portfolio, the whole 9 yards!!! So, recently, I got the most amazing email ever!! I was literally floored and started to cry tears of joy!! Check it out below!!!

Ok, so lets re-cap and start from the top...let you guys know all about what led up to this pleasant little email. So, Over the summer I met a very talented photographer by the name of Beverli Alford, who is one T.H.E's "new face" photographers. I was fortunate to meet Ms. Alford at a casting for bridal wear (which I have yet to hear the results or any info on the selection process). After the casting, Ms. Alford contacted me stating that she saw potential in me and would like to offer me a discounted rate to shoot with her, so that I have better portfolio images for the future. This wAS A BLESSING, because I mean lets face it, the images I had in my portfolio were pretty tacky due to the photographers stamping their logo on the photos. No pun intended to those photographers BTW!! Anywho, fast forward, we complete the shoot and the photos turn out fabulously! So, After Ms. Alford and sat down with edited images, we chose the ones that should go into my portfolio. One day, I was sitting and thinking and decided to send those top notch images to T.H.E! In my initial email, I explained that I worked with Ms. ALford over the summer in the hopes of submitting exceptional images to the agency. Well, needless to say, a few days later, I got that magical email response back from one of the employees and an invite to come to thee T.H.E Office!

The T.H.E Scout and I set a date, and before you know it the day had arrived. I arrive at the office 15 mins early (tiger fist pump) and am immediately greeted by the agent I have been emailing! By this time, my game face is on, and I am ready to handle business! That is all that kept running through my head at that point, business, business, business! I figured if I thought about it this way instead of putting all of my energy into impressing them, things would go smoother. AND IT DID! First, they had me fill out a info sheet that required the basics, name, age, height etc... Then after that, I was asked to come into another room so that they can take polaroids, the standard front, side profile, and full body! After that, the scout came back into the room, asked me about 3 questions, then asked to take a look at my portfolio. HERE'S WHERE I STARTED TO WORRY. The photos that I had were a good 7 images I compiled from the shoot I did with Beverli Alford. I thought since she was affiliated with the agency, that the scout would be impressed by the photos, but I was soon given a different reaction. According the the T.H.E scout, the photos were a bit too dramatic (more NY Market savvy) and not commercial enough to my knowledge! So, that was a down moment :-(. After she looked at my book, I was then asked to walk from one end of the room to the other. By this time, 2 more women from the agency, one that deals strictly with runway booking, came down to take a ganders at my catwalk. So the pressure was on, BUT I WAS READY! I imagined myself back in my room which is where I practice my catwalk, walking back and forth from one room to the other, and invisioning the feeling I get when I practice, THE FIERCE FEELING. When I walk, I transform into something like an alter ego, give some attitude and strutt it! I put all those things together and began to walk. THEY WERE THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED, saying things like "wow, she's great!". One even asked me do I do runway shows in DC and I responded yes of course. They were so impressed by my catwalk, they called in another agency scout and had me walk again! My adrenaline sky-rocketed, and I turned up the FIERCE ATTITUDE TO ITS HIGHEST PEAK! By this time I'm feeling really good, like I have completely ACED the interview. AFter that, I was escorted back into the room, and that is where I was basically given the YES from the scout and that I would be put on the board for runway. Not quite print and editorial work yet, because the scout felt that I needed to test again with a different photographer, which I agreed. She then gave me a sheet that had a list of photographers that the agency recommends. She highlighted about 3, gave me 2 business cards, and told me I should contact them about testing, so that I can obtain more images that they could use to put on the T.H.E website and my portfolio to take on go-sees! By this time, I'm not even registering everything. It all happened so fast!! Before I knew it, the scout handed me the MODELING ESSENTIALS packet, which gives you all the important information you need and tells you what steps to take after your interview. It still hadn't hit me yet, I MADE IT THROUGH.

I don't know what the future holds, but I pray almost every night that February 2011, be my year to conquer the fashion industry, and I can honestly say, that I have faith that it will happen. I've made so many strides in the past months that I never could have imagined and finally being picked up my T.H.E was a dream come true! The sky's the limit, and I am still determined to get with an even larger agency in NYC!! My time is coming, and I know it!

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