Sunday, January 1, 2012

'Vinter i New York' Model Q featured in Published Swedish Article

Hello ALL

One blistering New York Winter Evening, I ventured off to my favorite Whole Foods Market store in Manhattan, Located at 59th street Columbus Circle, enjoying the vibes of the Columbus Circle cozy shopping area. As I was exiting the escalator, A women by the name of Marina Malmgren approached me, first intrigued by my abundance of fine accesories/jewelry, what have you, and second assuming I was a model, which wasn't an assumption in the least far off target :-). She introduced herself to me and informed me that she was a freelance Photographer/journalist for a popular newspaper in Sweden and that she was in New York doing an article on the "Street Fashion" in NYC. She went on to indulge in the fact that my jewelry was wonderful and asked if she could take a few photos of me and my jewelry pieces. Me, being a lover of being in front of the camera, happily replied.... yes!

Today, those images that Marina took were published in the Swedish Newspaper entitled GP. An article highlighting myself along with 6 others Ms. Marina spotted, are the basis of this article and can be found on the website A brief slideshow is shown here, and of course to view the entire article online, one must subscribe :-). Checkout the slideshow by clicking on the direct link here ->>> and then scrolling down to the article entitled "Vinter i New York". The entire website is in Swedish so get out your translators! :-) Enjoy guys, and feel free to leave comments here. Ciao!


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